Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"Where There Is Darkness...."

Happy NEW Year.  So glad I didn't stay home last night.  Our trip to the casino proved to be more fun than I imagined.  I came home with more money than I left with and the live band forced me to remember how to dance the hustle. 

As I met friends and family over Christmas, the same theme ran through the conversations.  "Wow.  It's already been a year.  Time goes by so fast.  I might as well keep the lights up all year."  The only family that loves this conversation is Blago's family.  Time really is just flying by.  If I don't make plans, if I don't commit to do something, I'll be greeting my cousin same time, same place with the same old retort;  "I'm fine.  Nothing new." 

This past year I actually pursued getting an advanced degree in my field.  I'm certified in an area of study and I would not have done this had I not had the overwhelming feeling that I must "accomplish" things by the time Blago gets out of prison.  Crazy, but this is working for me.  Tribune columnist, Mary Schmich, was moved by something her mother said as she was dying.  "Even the terrible things seem beautiful to me now."  No disrespect, but I felt the same way when I watched Blago go through those prison doors.  He probably felt the same way as he looked over his shoulder. 

I was catching up on Blago's legal woes.  In December a panel of three judges agreed to decide on Blagojevich's appeal.  Judge Ilana Rovner is on that panel.  Hold on. This is a rough transition.  St. Francis of Assisi is a great source of inspiration to me.  He wrote, "A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows."  Rovner could be Blago's sunbeam.  His ray of hope. 

Years and years ago, in my past life, I had the pleasure of meeting Judge Rovner.  I complimented her on her great looking legs.  I really did.  She smiled, thanked me, and said, "I'm just grateful to have legs."  That thought turned out to be my own sunbeam.  Shortly after that meeting, I broke my knee in several places while skiing in Colorado.   I have a scar on my leg that is a constant reminder of that day, but I never felt sorry for myself.  "I'm just grateful to have my leg."

Rovner asked the prosecutors, "Where is the line that differentiates legal horse trading from a federal offense that puts you in prison?"  That's going to be a tough question to answer.  Blago feels the warmth from the sunbeam.

In the meantime, I have to figure out if I can afford to live in Cook County.  I love my house, but the taxes are crippling us.  The casino didn't pay off that much. If Blago had been paying attention to running Illinois instead of jerking off, our state would not be in the deep hole it's in.  That's what I have to plan this year.  My escape from Illinois tax. 

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