Sunday, April 10, 2016

Catching Up On The Phone

My daughter just returned from an adventure.  She spent a week in Columbia, South America.  When they were young, I always told my kids that I wanted postcards sent from their travels all over the world.  That was before Facebook, emails, etc.  I couldn't understand why of all the countries in the world, she would visit a place that I felt was too dangerous.  I sent her off with a new backpack and prayers for her safe return.

Yesterday we were on the phone for the longest time.  She described her trip into the rain forest.  Her climb into a volcano ended with a mud bath.  She ate the, "most amazing seafood."  She spent evenings in the piazza and met warm, generous people. She bought an oil painting from a local artist and was on her way to have it framed. 

I smiled as she giggled.  Her spirit is so kind and bright.  It's nice to sit back and talk on the phone, while catching up on good news.  The phone won't click off if I go over my time limit.  Grateful that I'm free to speak.  Free to laugh out loud.   

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Sound of Spring Rain

It's raining.  Spring is here.  Last night I skipped television so that I could read in bed with an open window and listen to the rain.  It's such a glorious sound.  My son stopped in to say goodnight.  He said it's not just the sound of the rain, but the clean smell that rain brings that he loves. 

So grateful for my window.

Monday, March 28, 2016

It's Been Four Years In Prison. What Have You Been Doing?

Blagojevich lost his final appeal today.  He had yet another shot at having his sentence shortened.  However, the court decided not to overthrow the previous ruling.  And so it goes.  Maybe ten more years in prison.  Ten years.  He's been in prison four years.  His only chance at freedom is if Trump wins the Presidential election and pardons him. 

My daughter sent me a text tonight.  "It feels like he went to prison yesterday."  Just 4 years ago I told her about this blog.  She was the same age as Blago's youngest daughter would be when he gets out of prison.  At the time she rattled off all the events and experiences in her life that he would miss as a father.  I wrote back, "Enjoy every minute of your freedom."

Being grateful for what you have in your life sounds easy.  It's easy when things are looking up.  It's hard to find joy and gratitude when things aren't so rosy.  But I'm understanding that it's during those times that gratitude pulls you through.  It's a gift if you can pull it together and recognize the splendor that surrounds you. 

Start the day being grateful you're not Blago.  You're not in prison.  Look out the front door and realize you can step out and do whatever you want to do. 

I've been practicing this way of life for the past four years, since the minute Blago turned and waved before he stepped into prison.  I can honestly tell you that it has made a difference in my attitude on most days.  My bathroom is in dire need of remodeling, but the fact that I can stay in the shower as long as I want makes it a spa-like experience. 

I can't even imagine missing the next ten years with my family.  Embrace life like you've just been let out of prison!