Saturday, September 1, 2012

One Summer Down and 13 To Go.

My favorite spot in Chicago is Buckingham Fountain when it's lit up.  I adore the view.  This summer I managed to get there only once.  What a shame.  I think it was Eddy Murphy who said that if we're lucky, we might experience 75 summers.  Those are fleeting moments.  I did my best to soak it all in, but I could have done more.  I was, however, truly grateful for each of those days spent outdoors.  I regret not swimming at the local community pool.  Next summer.

Nice to look forward to another summer so I can make a mental list of all things possible.  Patti Blagojevich put an anniversary letter from hubby on her Facebook page.  In it he quotes Robert Browning, "the best is yet to be."  And then he asks, "What are you doing next year at this time?"  I love the optimism. But, "Never the time and the place and the loved one all together."  (Robert Browning)

This morning I was, "struck by the splendour of a sudden thought."  (Browning!) Autumn winds are blowing into Chicago.  Love the change of seasons.  Cozy sweaters, pumpkin bread, colors all around.  Blago can't take that all in.  I'm grateful I'll be able to.

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