It's that time of year when you're either complaining that it's that time of year or you're grateful for it. I've chosen to be grateful. I'm happy to shop for gifts, stop for coffee at the mall, to take in the lights, and plan for happy times.
I planned a hike with my family at Thanksgiving. It's something we've never done. We walked for a while, and had dinner in an old lodge with a roaring fire. I looked around at all the families and friends sharing a meal with each other. I wondered if they realized how lucky we all were to be there. To be with each other. Who knows what next year brings.
Instead of hiding from the Black Friday sales, I went in with guns blazing. No complaints. Happy to be there. Why not. I was home late Thanksgiving night watching the news reports of stores being open early and folks getting out to find a deal or two. Why should I sit in front of the I'm in prison....when I could be out.
I'm looking forward to all the good things that this holiday season brings, grateful that I'm not on the outside looking in. Or is it, "The Inside Looking Out."